Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog Post 1

About Me 
 I am Christy Hayes, and I have lived in Mobile all my life.  My major interests include mostly summer activities.  I love riding the jet ski, tube, knee-board and wake-board.  I have been raised on the water and love spending my summers at Presley's.  I love doing this because it is family oriented and what I enjoy most.  I am attending South because it is the nearest school that has an education program. I tend to do better in a classroom versus online.
  My parents worked a lot as a child to provide for my sister, brother and myself.  Therefore, we weren't able to do many sports or activities.  My mom got a job at the school board and was able to be with us more which was awesome.   The schedule of a school teacher is amazing when you have children because you are off when they are and don't have to work late at the office.  I love children and want to help in any way possible.  Most children just want to have someone there to help them and I want to help them succeed in anyway possible.  As a high school student I volunteered a lot at my mom's school and helped teachers in every way possible with the students and I truly enjoyed it.
  I was currently engaged last December and will be getting married the end of June this year.  Luckily I have most of the planning done because it seems as if this class will consume the majority of my summer.  I have a two-year old little boy named Brodie who is my motivation for everything.  I have an amazing and supportive family and would not have made it this far if it weren't for them.  My fiancé is truly amazing and supports me in whatever decisions I may make and I have been truly blessed to have such a great support system.  To me family is everything!!
  Procrastination is what catches up with me most.  I find that I put off everything until last minute which causes me to stress even more in the end.  I definitely agree that I procrastinate because I have poor time management.  It is very hard to go to school full-time, work part-time, be a mommy and do other daily tasks so I find myself very tired at the end of the day.  I put things off because I am easily distracted and it is very hard for me to concentrate on one thing.  There were several helpful tips given in this exercise.  Some of the tips were things I would do, like getting to comfortable while studying, that I shouldn't have been doing.  I would get to comfortable and then I would start daydreaming, therefore further delaying the task at hand.  With everything I have going on I just need to break everything down into small chunks so that accomplishing them will seam a little more realistic.



  1. Hey Christy,

    It is good to see that someone else likes the water! As a matter of fact, I just came back from tubbing with my girlfriend's family last weekend.

    I see that you already have a good back ground for teaching because of your mother's influence and your work experience. I am glad to see that you have a great support system for this class because I feel that is important.

    So you are a procrastinator??? I hope that this class will teach you some good habits to help you with that struggle. This class is defiantly not one that you can afford to procrastinate in.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    Stephen Akins

  2. Where do you guys like to go tubing? There aren't really many places nearby to go to. Yes I am a procrastinator but I will say I have been working really hard to overcome this. Hopefully this class will break me because it does look as if I will have to stay on top of everything.

  3. Parsley's. I am not familiar with Presley's. You will have to enlighten me.

    A wedding in the middle of the semester. Will there be enough cake to go around?

    Best wishes.

  4. First of all, congratulations and good luck with the wedding! I cannot imagine how hectic that makes your schedule! It is good that you were able to see so much of the school system and volunteer to make sure that this is the best career path for you. As for the procrastination, that is an issue that I struggle with myself. Good luck staying on top of everything this semester!

  5. I too, am glad that you have all the support necessary to help you achieve your goals. I wish you and your fiance' the best of luck!

  6. Presley's lake is about 20 minutes into Mississippi. It is family owned and family oriented which makes me love it even more. Yes a wedding in the middle of the semester, what was I thinking? I believe I will make it and I do believe there will be enough cake to go around. Thank you Kathleen, I do have a hectic schedule do I have been trying to stay top of things that way I don't get behind on anything. Thank you Anthony!
