Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blog Post #13

Jose Picardo's Top Ten Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom was very interesting. A lot of his tips included the things that we are learning here in our EDM310 class. Using technology in the classroom is very beneficial to the students if it is used correctly. The world is always evolving into something bigger and better and so is the technology. If we do not continue to educate ourselves and our young ones on this technology then or society will meet its demise.
 A couple of Mr. Picardo's tips were pretty cool. The tip about using interactive exercises was pretty neat. In his video he had some kind of matching game on his website. Games like this could help students with their memory and visual recognition of images and help expand their vocabulary. Another tip I thought was really good was using music to our advantage. I haven't really thought much about music being used in the classroom as a tool to help with learning. I think that if we use music in the classroom it would help keep the student's attention and change up the pace a little bit and keep them entertained. One big factor that I think is extremely important is keeping the students entertained. This may sound bad but I believe that if our students are entertained and kept interested in the topics we are teaching then the information will stick with them better and they will actually learn it and not cram it.


  1. Christy,
    I agree that incorporating music is a great idea. A lot of teachers disagree because they think that it can be distracting but I do know that when I was in school it was always calming. In english class, our teacher played music for us to write to and this always helped my ideas to generate more easily. Also, it might be a good idea to let students bring in their own iPods (with administration approval of course) and the teacher could guide the class on an appropriate choice to play in the background during class. Good post! :)

  2. Let's get beyond entertainment. Put your thinking cap on. Here are some ideas I left for Elizabeth Brooks who wants to teach history in high school: As for music, link research with music. For example what was happening in the US/BG when the Beatles released this song (play) or a bit from Les Miserables or Don't Cry for Me Argentina or ....

    Think of some ideas you can use combining music and what you will be teaching.

  3. Hi Christy!

    From this assignment, we were instructed to comment on Jose Picardo’s, Top Ten Tips for Using Technology in the Classroom, including the tips that we were unfamiliar with. You are right, thanks to EDM 310, we are familiar with most, if not all, of the tips offered!

    Even though it seems that you are “sold” on music in the classroom, from experience, it IS a great tool! In my pre-k classroom, my iPod Nano is a must! Not only do I play a variety of music to get us moving or to slow us down, I have also been able to introduce some of the classical composers like Beethoven, Mozart, Handle, and more. I have found that classical music playing in the background during art time, not only seems to have a calming effect, but also enhances creativity. During our various units of study, I find appropriate music to share with my class. An example is our America study. I play not only patriotic songs, but American composers, singer/songwriters, even Bruce Springsteen’s, "Born in the USA!” Music can tell stories, and offer a glimpse into other cultures. Can you tell that I enjoy incorporating music into my educational environment?
