Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog Post 3

1) A Vision of Students Today was a very interesting video. It captured many different statements made by students that were attending college at Kansas State University. The students made individual cards that described what they did during the day, how much time it took up, whether or not it was relevant to school, and what they did while they were in class. I think it accurately depicted the lives of almost all college students. In some way or another we can all relate to what they were saying.
    Some of the statements reflected my college life. Such as I spend 2 hours a day on my cell phone. Almost everyone can relate to that because cell phones are a huge part of our every day life. Also when the students said they brought their laptops into class but did not use them for class, I see it every day. It may not be on a laptop but the cell phone is one in the same. Technology is taking over the world as we know it and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just like everything else it has its pros and cons.

2) Mrs. Hines post It's Not About the Technology was very interesting. It showed some perspective into how technology is not always a good thing. In her post she stated that if the teachers were not willing to learn how to use the technology correctly then it is useless. In order to be a good teacher you need to be a good learner and be willing to continue learning throughout your career. Those teachers who think they know all of what they need to know they are never going to adapt to the new technology that is being developed every day.
   I commented on Mrs. Hines post and stated to her that I thought that technology was a great thing. It is only a great thing if the teachers utilize it properly. If the technology is not learned by the teacher and taught to the students correctly, it could set them behind for their future endeavors in school and life. I never really thought about teachers being learners before until I read her post. Now that I have read this, I hope that it will help me out in my future as an educator.

3) Mr. Karl Fisch's Is It Okaye to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? post was very true from my point of view. He gave a set of standards that all educators should go by. Teachers that are technologically illiterate should not be proud of it. How are students supposed to feel comfortable about trying to learn a subject from a teacher that does not know themselves?? Todays society makes it seem like it is okay not to know everything about technology but it is beginning to become more and more difficult to succeed.
   I believe that teachers should have to go through some sort testing to hold them accountable for what they are teaching to students. I mean if a teacher doesn't fully understand what they are teaching, then how can they expect their students to understand it. If teachers that are not doing their job then they should be reprimanded for not willingly learn what they need to learn. This may affect my future as an educator but I am willing to learn what ever it is that I need to so my students can have a successful future.

4) After checking out and watching Gary Hayes' Social Media Counter, I realized just how much technology is advancing and becoming a bigger part of our everyday lives. No matter what the topic, whether it be gaming, social networking, or mobile phones, technology is constantly and rapidly advancing. Our futures seem to be headed into a more technological age. As we head in that direction, less and less people understand how to use the new gadgets.
   As for my professional career as a teacher, I must continue to learn and evolve with the new technology. I am far away from understanding all there is to know about computers and the programs they use, but I am learning something new every single day. I believe to be successful as an educator you must be open and willing to continue to learn every day. If ever comes a day when I decide that I no longer want to learn any more of a new topic, I feel that will be the last day as an educator. If we are not capable in teaching our students the new information that they need to be successful, then we need to find a replacement for us in the classroom.


  1. " I never really thought about teachers being learners before until I read her post. " Really? That's interesting!

    "I believe that teachers should have to go through some sort testing to hold them accountable for what they are teaching to students. I mean if a teacher doesn't fully understand what they are teaching, then how can they expect their students to understand it. If teachers that are not doing their job then they should be reprimanded for not willingly learn what they need to learn." A very interesting position you take. I think none of us will ever know it all. But we can admit that we don't know and then find out. That is why I like the class motto: I don't know. Let's find out." Not knowing is not bad unless you are unwilling to find out. And finding out can be, and often is, a collaborative task.

    An interesting post. Thanks.

  2. I really enjoyed your post and like your views on these topics. As a teacher you should always be open to new information and ideas to further yourself in your profession. Like you said in your post, technology is becoming more and more prevalent in the world of education today and it is our job as teachers to embrace it. Utilizing this new technology can open doors to new methods and opportunities for students that we never had when we were their age. Great Job and great post, looking forward to the rest of the semester with you.
