1. This is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
These videos were made by Dr. Richard Miller who is a professor at Rutgers University. These two videos were really great and opened my eyes to some possibilities of the future of teaching. In the past, we relied solely on pencil and paper as our source of writing. The old ways are slowly fading out with the advancements of technology. With pencil and paper you could only write with text on paper. These words could not make a sound nor could they give you a visual of the topic. With technology now we can write using word processing programs on our computers. To go along with this new for of text writing, we can also add visual and audio to the text which enhances the affect tremendously.
I am somewhat prepared to write with multimedia. I am continuously learning something new every day, mostly thanks to this class. Now we can make our history, science, and research projects better with the multimedia that we have at our fingertips. We do not have to rely on text alone anymore. To enhance our text we can add video of current events or past speeches or audio clips of music of the era.
I hope to be able to teach all of my students that pass through my doors to use this form of writing. There is nothing wrong with using pencil and paper and I don't think it will ever completely disappear. But with the way the world is advancing, our young ones must learn how to use this multimedia to prosper to bright futures.
2. Blog Post #12
Carly's Post was a great idea. She decided for "assignment" that everyone should make their own YouTube playlist. These playlist should consist of videos that describe our philosophies, how we can motivate our students, and our teaching styles among other things. I think this is exactly what Dr. Miller was speaking of when he talked about writing with multimedia. This assignment has us doing just that. We are writing with videos that describe us.
3. EDM310 is Different
In the videos Chipper and EDM310 for Dummies, they both portray similar messages. In the beginning of this class I believe all of my classmates, including myself, were overwhelmed by the amount of work and effort that this class needs. And as this class continues to progress things are becoming a bit easier as I become more familiar with the tasks.
In The Chipper Series, Chipper decided that she didn't like the way that Dr. Strange was teaching his class. So she quit going to his class and started her own school. Things didn't work out to well for her and she ended up back in Dr. Strange's class. The EDM310 for Dummies video started out with all the students being flustered, but once they decided to read their books things became a lot easier for them. If I were to create a video I think the best possible thing to do is create a video that would help future students out. I would try to tell them how important it is to be dedicated to this class and put forth as much effort as they can because there is a ton of useful information to be learned and used in this class.
4. Learn to Change, Change to Learn
This video makes you think of the ways and opportunities that we have available for learning today. Now we have chances to learn outside of the classrooms in our communities and at our homes. Schooling as we know it consists of going to school inside of a classroom and sitting there for 8 hours a day and hearing a teacher lecture us and there isn't much room for creativity. In the new ways that were presented in this video, students now have the chance to learn in their own ways and collect information almost anywhere thanks to technology. I am grateful for these changes that are being made because as an educator it gives me more opportunities to help my students better themselves.
You have seen how we can change teaching. Soon you will get a chance to see whether you can do it.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Thought provoking. Contains a personal challenge. Well done.
Hi Christy, I got a kick out of watching the two student produced videos, and they are SO true! I felt the same way as the girls did in EDM310 For Dummies. In "Learn to Change, Change to Learn," the message I got from this video is that we now have more avenues to learn in other than the classroom. You and I are both grateful for these opportunities for our students!
As I read your post, I imagined a future where everything had a hyperlink. We could walk down school hallways and touch a sign and watch an explanation unfold. Or we could touch a picture and hear a recording of what the person featured thought about the event at the time. How amazing would that world be?! We have that now, but it is limited to a computer screen (or a disney theme park). I can't wait to see what's in store and to see how long it takes for that kind of world to come to fruition.
ReplyDeleteI am going to have tons of lab time the ladder half of this summer, maybe I will make a playlist on youtube of my very own!